Heidi Klum says Leni, 16, is old enough to model if she wants to

Heidi Klum was on People Magazine’s show to promote her Disney Villains clothing line. People put a clip of that on their site and I watched it in the full episode too, but they didn’t include the part in where Heidi talked about her oldest daughter, Leni, possibly modeling. I am going on People’s writeup, which made it sound like Heidi was asked if Leni would model and she said that Leni could if she wanted to. It was unclear from the excerpt whether Leni wants to model, although Heidi did say that Leni wants to step in her shoes and that she loves visiting the Top Model set with her. Heidi is now in Germany with her kids (after some back and forth with ex Seal whether they would be allowed to go) filming Germany’s Next Top Model. Here are some excerpts from People’s video and their site:

“Have you ever posted anything that your kids have called you out on?”
Probably more than once. I am from Germany and I don’t always tend to wear the most clothes. Sometimes they will give me a nudge and be like ‘mom, really?’
‘Yeah really, this is who I am. I do me, you do you, you know?’

“Which one of your kids loves coming to the Top Model set with you most?”
Probably my oldest daughter. She is 16 years old now. She does want to step in mama’s footsteps. She comes and looks and learns, not just what I’m doing but what all the people are doing on a TV set. Who knows, maybe in five years when I’m not hosting the show anymore maybe it’s going to be like Germany’s Next Top Model by Leni Klum instead of Heidi Klum. Who knows.

On if her daughter Leni will model
She’s old enough now. I always thought she was too young. We always also decided to keep the children out of the public eye. But she’s driving a car now, she’s 16, so I figured if you can do that, you can also model now if this is what you wish to do.

Obviously, as a mother, [I want my] child to do what she wants to do. The industry is great and I love it and I’ve been in it for over 20 years but it’s also, it’s a lot of traveling, it’s different. You have to be a strong person, especially as a woman you have to be very strong

Her kids are doing remote learning from Germany
They do it late at night until 11 pm at night because they are doing school on LA time still with their class. Kudos to my kids for not slacking. They’re real troopers.

[From People]

I’m still confused about whether Leni wants to model, but she only has seven posts on her official blue check Instagram and there’s just one faraway shot of her in a really conservative outlet where it looks like she’s getting her picture taken. She’s not going the celebrity kid instamodel route is what I’m saying, and she could easily do that if she wanted. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and say that she could be interested in Heidi’s work in general, not just in modeling. Even if she wants to be a model, I feel like she has time to prove herself. She’s not going overboard on Instagram, which is to her credit.

I will say that while my son is under 18 his life decisions are subject to my approval and to his dad’s approval. He’s 16 and I would make him wait until he’s 18 to do work in the public eye like that. Leni’s bio dad is Flavio Briatore. Seal adopted Leni and he likely still has a say in whether she’s modeling or not.


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