Joan Collins admired Prince Philip for saying things he thought even if they offended

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Dame Joan Collins has never been one to mince her words, and even now at the age of 88 and in the middle fo “cancel culture”, she prefers to speak to her truth. In a recent interview, the Hollywood star praised the late Duke of Edinburgh for speaking his mind regardless of how it came across.

I quite admired the Duke of Edinburgh

Joan Collins

“The thing is you can’t say anything these days without being cancelled,” she shrugged.

“What am I allowed to say?

“Am I allowed to say, ‘These orchids are fake?’

“Because they are!” she exclaimed, gesturing her hand towards a floral table arrangement in her London apartment.

“Well, forget it! I’m not kow-towing to cancel culture.

“Can’t say this, can’t say that. I’m like my father [the late theatrical agent Joe Collins] in that regard.”

She referred to him as “non-diplomatic,” saying she believes that attitude is a “Gemini thing”.

The actress went on to note how much she admired Prince Philip for his ability to not beat around the bush.

The Duke was renowned for his offensive quips and indiscretions over his 99 years.

“I quite admired the Duke of Edinburgh,” she added, who died in April earlier this year.

“Saying things he thought even if they offended.”

Joan went on to point out that she too has been the subject of trolling about her appearance throughout the years, but has let it all go over her head.

“I have been relentlessly criticised for how I look,” she admitted.

“For everything. For my make-up, my figure, my face.

“I’ve been accused of having a lot of face work – and I’ve had none.

“When I was in the play Private Lives someone said, ‘She wore a silver dress but she had a large belly.’

“Well, it was cut on the cross, it was a 1930s style.

“When I was very young I would cry at how cruel they could be,” she sighed before adding: “I’m not the only person who talks about how other people look.”

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