Kristen Stewart berated for Princess Dianas bulimia battle in Spencer

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The 31-year-old is nominated for the Best Actress Oscar for her role as the late royal last week admitted she had tried to force herself to be sick during filming. The makers of Spencer, the biographical psychological drama which imagines Prince Charles and Diana’s fraught Christmas of 1991, have also been called accused of “glamorising” eating disorders in the film.

Tom Quinn, of eating disorder charity Beat, said replicating a “serious mental illness” on the set of a film is a “huge risk”.

Kristen told Vanity Fair she ensured Diana’s eating disorder was “not glossed over”, and attempted to make herself physically vomit on set.

“I’ll do f***ing anything,” she told the magazine. But she continued: “I couldn’t throw up on this movie…

“I felt like absolute s*** and I could not get it up, and I know it was because my body was just like…the idea of that was so untouchable.”

But Mr Quinn said: “We understand that actors want to get as close to their characters as possible, but we would never recommend that anybody carries out eating disorder behaviours in order to do so.

“Depicting eating disorders on screen can be a brilliant way to raise awareness of these serious mental illnesses, but it’s crucial that this is done responsibly.” 

  • If you’re worried about your own or someone else’s health, you can contact Beat on 0808 801 0677 or

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