Kylie Jenner Accidentally Posted a Photoshopped Pic and Immediately Deleted It

While the rest of us (read: me) have spent this quarantine eating cheese and shunning pants, Kylie Jenner is out here creating content like it’s her job. Which, it kinda is. Aside from some truly next-level TikToks, Kylie just hit Instagram to post a series of bikini pics.

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taco tuesday

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But here’s the thing. Apparently, Kylie accidentally posted an obviously photoshopped version of these pics, realized her mistake after a few minutes, deleted the pic, and then re-posted. But not before fans gathered receipts.

Kylie you are the worst using photoshop

Kylie first posted a slide of two Instagram pictures in the beach and one of them had clear photoshop that had me dead and then fans started noticing and commenting and she deleted it and reposted it with more pictures and cropped out the part that shows clear use of photoshop 🤪

#Fail #photoshop

I meannnnn, whomst amongst us hasn’t dabbled in the art of FaceTune from time to time? Either way, this is hardly the first time Kylie’s been accused of photoshopping her pics. In fact, fans are convinced that Kylie worked with paparazzi to stage a buncha photoshopped pictures outside her house as a reaction to a fleet of un-photoshopped pap pics that showed up a few days prior.

In other news, Kylie just bought yet another house worth millions of dollars, so something tells me she isn’t worried about fans accusing her of photoshop right now. Too busy being rich.

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