R. Kelly Hit Racketeering Charges In New Indictment After Arrest

R. Kelly has been arrested on 13 counts of federal sex crime charges, including child pornography, enticement of a minor and obstruction of justice on Thursday, July 11 in Chicago. Now, RadarOnline.com can reveal details on the new indictment filed in Brooklyn, New York.

The indictment obtained from United States District Court, Eastern District of New York claimed R. Kelly, whose real name is Robert, and members of his entourage traveled throughout the United States and abroad to promote the R. Kelly brand and to “recruit women and girls to engage in illegal sexual activity with Kelly.”


Members of “the enterprise” invited women and girls backstage following Kelly’s live performances on his behalf. After the events, he would communicate with the women and girls and often request photographs of themselves.

An alleged set of rules was put in place for Kelly’s sexual partners.

“The women and girls were not permitted to leave their room without receiving permission from Kelly, including to eat or go to the bathroom,” the indictment read, “The women and girls were required to wear baggy clothing when they were not accompanying Kelly to an event or unless otherwise instructed by Kelly. The women and girls were not permitted to look at other men and instead were told to keep their heads down. The women and girls were required to call Kelly ‘daddy.’”

Kelly, 52, has been charged with one count of racketeering. Prosecutors have eleven alleged instances to support the charge.

One instance is the sexual exploitation of a child.

“In or about and between May 1999 and October 15, 1999, both dates being approximate and inclusive, within the Northern District of Illinois, the defendant Robert Sylvester Kelly, together with others, did knowingly and intentionally employ, use, persuade, induce, entice and coerce a minor, to wit: Jane Doe #1 to engage in sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing one or more visual depictions of such conduct, which visual depictions were produced using materials that had been mailed, shipped and transported in interstate and foreign commerce,” the indictment read.

For the second instance, kidnapping, Kelly and his entourage “did knowingly and intentionally secretly confine an individual, to wit: Jane Doe #2, against her will, and induce Jane Doe #2 by deceit and enticement to go from one place to another with intent secretly to confine her against her will.”

For the fourth instance, which is mann act, Kelly and others allegedly “did knowingly and intentionally persuade, induce, entice and coerce an individual who had not attained the age of 18 years, to wit: Jane Doe #3, to engage in sexual activity for which a person can be charged with a criminal offense.”

The fifth instance, which is forced labor, Kelly and others, between the dates of May 2009 and January 2010, allegedly, “did knowingly and intentionally obtain the labor and services of a person, to wit: Jane Doe #3, by means of force, threats of force, physical restraint and threats of physical restraint to that person or another person; by means of serious harm and threats of serious harm to that person or another person; and by means of a scheme, plan and pattern intended to cause such person to believe that, if that person did not perform such labor and services, such person would suffer serious harm and physical restraint, and a combination of such means.”

For count two, he was charged with Mann Act Transportation.

“On or about May 18,2017, within the Eastern District of New York and elsewhere, the defendant ‘R. Kelly,’ together with others, did knowingly and intentionally transport an individual, to wit: Jane Doe #5, in interstate commerce, with intent that such individual engage in sexual activity for which a person can be charged with a criminal offense, to wit: violations reckless endangerment and exposure of infectious venereal disease,” the indictment read.

He was also charged with Mann Act Coercion for count three, Mann Act Transportation for count four and Mann Act Coercion and Enticement for count five.

R. Kelly was arrested in Chicago on Thursday, July 11. He is to be transferred to New York for the trial.

The singer was arrested on 13 charges, including child pornography, enticement of a minor, and obstruction of justice, U.S. attorney spokesman Joseph Fitzpatrick told The Associated Press, for the separate federal indictment in Chicago.

Cook County State’s Attorney Kimberly Foxx released in a statement, “Today’s indictment by our federal law enforcement partners demonstrates the collaborative efforts of our criminal justice system. My office was pleased to work together to secure these charges and will continue to work with our colleagues in the pursuit of justice for all victims. And let us be clear: this is not just about surviving R. Kelly. For most victims, it’s about surviving a less famous abuser, a trusted adult, or a total stranger.”

The statement continued, “As a prosecutor and a survivor of sexual assault, I recognize the courage it takes to come forward, and I understand the trauma of doing so. The Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office will continue to prioritize public safety and support all victims of crime, and we will remain a compassionate resource for survivors as they regain their power and heal.”

In February, he was charged with aggravated sexual abuse involving four women, three of whom were minors. He pleaded not guilty and was released from Chicago’s Cook County Jail.

He denied claims against him in a CBS interview with Gayle King. He admitted to having several younger lovers, but denied running a sex cult.

“Y’all quit playing,” he said. “I didn’t go this stuff. “This is not me. I’m fighting for my f**king life!”

He continued to cry, “I have been assassinated. I have been buried alive. Y’all trying to kill me! Y’all killing me man! This is not about music. I’m trying to have a relationship with my kids and I can’t do it.”

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