Tristan Thompson Gets Torn Apart on Instagram: Leave Khloe Alone!

Khloe Kardashian fans have always been suspicious of Tristan Thompson.

Sure, there were times when he seemed to make her happy, but there were also many in which he humiliated her and destroyed her self-confidence.

Tristan’s pattern is well-established:

He gets caught cheating, convinces Khloe to take him back, then almost immediately betrays her trust by sleeping around again.

They say “once a cheater, always a cheater,” and though we believe in the ability of people to change, that expression seems to hold up in Tristan’s case.

But most cheaters at least get better at hiding their infidelities.

Tristan, on the other hand, seems to get more brazen — or apathetic — with each new affair.

Currently, rumors that Tristan cheated on Khloe with Sydney Chase are circulating non-stop online.

And since Chase insists those reports are true, it’s not hard see how they gained so muh traction.

Now, as he’s done so many times in the past, Tristan is trying to make amends and win Khloe back

So what do millionaire professional athletes do when they’re looking to crawl out of the dog house?

Well, they post cutesy comments on their significant other’s Instagram page, of course.

Stars — they’re just like us!

Earlier this week, Khloe posted the above photo, in which she and daughter True can be seen rocking matching outfits that probably cost more than your car

Given Tristan’s preference for ironic names, we wouldn’t be surprised if his other daughter is named “Faithful,” or something.

Anyway, Tristan was apparently a fan of the pic, as he commented with two red heart emojis.

Tellingly, Khloe didn’t reply at all, but her followers let Tristan have it in epic fashion.

One follower made their feelings known with a single word, commenting that Tristan is “fake” 

“Man, leave this poor girl alone,” another wrote.

She just leaves him hanging… none for Gretchen Weiner,” a third added.

“GO AWAY TRISTAN. NO ONE LIKES YOU AT ALL,” a fourth chimed in

“This guy is not serious,” a fifth pointed out,

Harsh. But if the reports about Tristan’s latest infidelities are true, then he deserves that criticism and much, much more.

As you probably recall, Tristan was first caught cheating on Khloe while on the road during the NBA season.

At that point, he was highly indiscriminate, hooking up with whomever, and apparently failing to consider the possibility that he might be on camera.

Khloe took him back, of course, but it wasn’t long before her trust was once again shattered.

Tristan hooked up with Jordyn Woods, the best friend of Khloe’s sister Kylie Jenner,

Once again, Khloe kicked Tristan to the curb, but he was able to weasel his way back into her heart.

He insists nothing untoward happened with Sydney, but it won’t be that easy to make her go away.

Sydney has hired celebrity attorney Gloria Allred to help her discredit claims that she’s lying, and that Tristan is telling the truth.

The next few months should be very interesting ones for Khloe.

And we can only hope that if Sydney is shown to be telling the truth, Khloe will finally get rid of Tristan for good.

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