After ‘The Bachelorette,’ Peter Has Returned To His One Great Passion

Peter from The Bachelorette is the living, breathing embodiment of a classic "boy next door." He’s kind, sweet, and charming, and let’s not forget about the time he adorably asked Hannah to be his official girlfriend. But considering that there are still three other guys in the running for her final rose, you may find yourself wondering if Peter is dating anyone after The Bachelorette. Because if things with Hannah don’t end up working out, you better believe there will be a few enthusiastic candidates more than willing to date him next.

However, given what fans know about Peter and how much he seems to have fallen for Hannah, odds are that if she doesn’t pick him, he’s going to need some time to emotionally recuperate before immediately jumping back into a relationship. Granted, a few months have already passed since The Bachelorette finished filming, so there’s always a possibility that he’s started seeing someone since then. But judging from his recent Instagram posts, Peter has chosen to return to the one great love of his life: flying. Yup, that means that our boy Peter has gone back to his career as a pilot.

It’s not super common for contestants to return to their regular jobs after being a part of the Bachelor franchise — especially when they’ve made it as far in the season as Peter has and developed a solid social media fanbase. Many former alums have gone on to become full-time influencers and dabble in SponCon. However, as it currently stands, Peter appears to have no interest in leaving his former career behind in any way, shape, or form. Flying is a huge part of who he is and it’s what he’s choosing to focus on after leaving The Bachelorette, whether with or without Hannah.

Many fans may be hoping that Peter and Hannah are still together, which is possible and would mean that yes, he is totally off the market. It would also explain why his Instagram is void of any potential love interests. Though even if he has found someone special (or is still with Hannah), he wouldn’t be able to post about them yet, since it would spoil the remainder of the season. And what fun would that be?

But don’t worry, Peter is still proving himself to be just as charming and swoon-worthy as ever, like when he donated blood with his brother Jack or cuddled up to his adorable pup, Tripp:

Seriously, this guy seems almost too good to be true, which is also why so many people are hopeful that Peter will be the next Bachelor. It’s difficult to know whether that’s something he would be interested in, but even if he does decide to distance himself from the franchise once this season is all over and done with, it’s hard to imagine he’ll have any trouble in the dating arena once he’s ready to put himself back out there. If Hannah doesn’t snatch him up, someone is bound to pretty soon.

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