I'm a pharmacist – these are the 5 unusual hay fever symptoms

I’m a pharmacist and these are the 5 unusual hay fever symptoms to look out for

  • An expert from UK-based LloydsPharmacy has advised on hayfever symptoms
  • READ MORE: Why are your hay fever symptoms worse than normal this summer?

Sneezing, watery eyes and a stuffy nose – hay fever sufferers will be more than familiar with these uncomfortable symptoms as Britons are sniffling their way through the summer.

But a UK pharmacist has revealed that the irritating seasonal allergy can manifest itself in different ways.

Rumeet Patel, LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor, told FEMAIL that you may experience excessive sweating, face pain and even a loss of taste or smell.  

‘Although less common, there are some more surprising symptoms of hay fever,’ he explained.

‘As the pollen count rises, it’s important the public recognise these unusual symptoms.’

Rumeet Patel, from LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor, told FEMAIL the bizarre hay fever symptoms to look out for  

Rumeet added: ‘Generally, hay fever can be managed via allergy treatments and lifestyle changes such as limiting time spent outside. 

‘However, some people experience such bad hay fever symptoms that it can affect daily activities such as sleep and work.

‘In this case, or if your symptoms get worse or have not improved after 2-4 weeks of taking treatments recommended by a pharmacist, you should see your GP.’


Rumeet said that excessive sweating – as well as being embarrassing – may be caused by ‘stress, pain or when your immune system is vulnerable – all factors which can occur in hay fever.’

So, if you’re sweating more than is usual for you in the summer heat, consider having a think about which other odd symptoms may be manifesting. 


‘Although less common, loss of smell can be a symptom of hay fever,’ Rumeet explained.

‘Also known as anosmia, inflammation in the nasal passages can impact our sense of smell. 

‘This is the body’s way of limiting the amount of pollen that reaches the nose.’

And as smell and taste are linked, you’re likely notice some loss of the latter as well.  

‘Of course, a loss or change in your sense of taste or smell is a symptom of COVID-19,’ the expert warned.

‘Therefore, you should consider testing or staying at home and avoiding contact with others if you also have a high temperature or do not feel well enough to carry out normal activities.’


Rumeet revealed that there is ‘also a link between headaches and hay fever’.

‘Sinus inflammation can cause a build-up of pressure which results in a sinus headache,’ he added.

‘This tends to feel as if there is intense pressure inside the head or behind the eyes.

‘The histamines released during a hay fever account can also give rise to migraines.’


Facial pain for hay fever sufferers may happen thanks to pressure that results from inflammation. 

‘Many people don’t realise that hay fever can cause pain around the cheeks, eyes and forehead,’ Rumeet said.

‘When you have hay fever, the small air-filled cavities behind the cheekbones and forehead can become inflamed or blocked.’


‘If you have asthma, you may find hay fever worsens symptoms like wheezing and breathlessness,’ the expert advised.

‘In fact, some people also find they only experience asthma symptoms during hay fever season.

‘People with hay fever are also much more likely to develop asthma.’

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