My family hate that I want to take my girlfriend’s surname when we marry – The Sun
DEAR DEIDRE: OUR first child is going to have my girlfriend’s surname and I would like to take her surname too when we get married.
My family hate that.
I am 32 and my girlfriend is 30. We have been together for four years.
My girlfriend is 30 weeks pregnant with our first child, a girl.
I am not very close to my family, so surely – as we are the parents – our feelings come before those of extended family members?
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DEIDRE SAYS: Of course.
It is increasingly common these days for a man to take his wife’s surname upon marriage.
What matters is that you and your fiancee are both happy about it.
Tell your family politely and calmly but firmly.
The process for a man legally changing his name after marriage is exactly the same as for a woman.
All Government bodies will treat married men the same way as married women when changing their name.
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