Sophie, Countess of Wessex: Why isn’t she a Princess? Reason why she will never become one

Sophie, Countess of Wessex, has been part of the Royal Family since her wedding on 19 June 1999. The ceremony took place at Windsor Castle and was attended by royals including Prince Charles, 70, and the Queen, 93. They have had two children together, Lady Louise Windsor, 15, and James Viscount Severn, 12. Sophie is the daughter-in-law of the Queen, but she could never become a Princess for one key reason.

Sophie, Countess of Wessex: Why Prince Edward’s wife could not be Princess

Since she married a Prince, it would be safe to assume Sophie would have been given the title of Princess, but this was not the case.

Instead, she was styled as the Countess of Wessex when she married, and Prince Edward became the Earl of Wessex.

While a Prince will usually become a Duke when they marry, Edward was reportedly given the title of Earl by request.

Those who marry into the Royal Family take on the feminine version of their husband’s name so this choice meant she also missed out on the title of Duchess.

Shortly after marrying, Buckingham Palace released a statement to say any children they had would be given the title of the child of an Earl and not the grandchild of the monarch.

This meant Sophie’s children also missed out on the titles of Prince and Princess, the names of their royal cousins.

However, even if Edward had chosen a different title at his wedding, the Countess would still not be a Princess.

By current practice, this title is reserved for those who are born into the Royal Family and not for those who marry in.

Sophie holds the feminine version of Prince Edward’s name which mean she technically could take the title of Princess Edward.

Still, if she was to do this, royal tradition means a Princess by marriage can’t be called Princess followed by their first name.

Because of this, she could never be called Princess Sophie or become a Princess in her own right.

She may not be a Princess, but Sophie was given an extra title earlier this year when Prince Edward was granted Earldom of Forfar.

Edward’s new title meant Sophie became the Countess of Forfar and it is how she should be addressed when in Scotland.

Since becoming a royal, Sophie has fitted in perfectly and this could have a lot to do with her previous job.

Before she married, Sophie worked in PR which helped her understand what she was getting into, an expert claimed.

She is now a royal favourite and is thought to be very close to the Queen. 

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