The Emotional Meaning Of The Partial Lunar Eclipse In Capricorn On July 16 Is About Investing In The Endgame

There’s a powerful eclipse headed your way, and despite the lack of visibility in the Northern Hemisphere, it is affecting us individually and collectively. If you’re wondering how this will affect you on a deeper level, however, the emotional meaning of the partial lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July 16 is about recognizing your current reality and general responsibilities. What do your longterm goals look like? Are you happy with the way things are going? Think back to the new moon solar eclipse in Capricorn that took place on Jan. 5. How have you taken full responsibility for yourself since?

The new moon solar eclipse in Cancer on July 2 encouraged you to look deep within yourself in order to hit the reset button on your inner world and emotional foundation. As you may know, the new moon phase brings new beginnings, but that was a total solar eclipse, which only makes the effects much more potent. So now that you’ve recognized what fulfills you at an emotional level, the partial lunar eclipse in Capricorn is here to help you establish everything you’ve been working toward. What is the new version of you fully committed to? Are you ready for it?

Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse In Capricorn

On July 16, there will be a cathartic lunar eclipse, sitting alongside Saturn and Pluto retrograde, and the South Node in Capricorn. According to NASA, a partial lunar eclipse takes place when part of the moon enters the earth’s shadow. Full moon lunar eclipses are different from new moon solar eclipses as they mark a time to release rather than begin again. The full moon phase brings powerful culminations, but with Saturn retrograde, Pluto retrograde, and the South Node taking the wheel, this will also be the end of an era.

The moon is a symbol of your emotions and the sun is your ego and soul purpose. When the moon is full, it sits directly opposite the sun, which in turn represents both masculine and feminine energies, as well as a call for balance. During this particular lunar eclipse, the moon will conjunct Pluto retrograde, and this will certainly turn the intensity up a notch. Pluto, aka Lord of the Underworld, is the planet of death, power, sex, taboo, and transformation. This celestial predator’s cosmic due diligence consists of revealing all that’s hidden beneath the surface, and in Capricorn, it knows no mercy.

Also, this full moon is simply part of the Cancer-Capricorn eclipse story, as the grand finale of this eclipse series will take place in January 2020. So hang on tight.

When looking at this from an individual standpoint, however, this lunar eclipse is asking you to turn the page and officially leave the past where it belongs. This full moon is about releasing buried traumas and previously set emotional foundations that no longer align with your higher truth. There are a number of aspects to consider during this lunation, but with the sun and North Node in Cancer, the divine feminine has the upper hand. It’s time to hold yourself and your deeper truth accountable. You are not your past, and are no longer a product of toxic patriarchal systems.

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