Corrie star on huge losses for Aadi and Dev due to his 'sexual gratification'

Aadi Alahan (Adam Hussain) is turning into a very ambitious young man in Coronation Street and has grabbed the opportunity of working with his father Dev (Jimmi Harkishin)’s business associate Darren Vance (Ryan Early). Unfortunately his career ambitions could be about to be derailed before they’ve begun, after Aadi embarks on a reckless affair with Darren’s wife Courtney (Stephanie Davis).

‘He’s definitely shown signs of dissatisfaction working in a corner shop,’ Adam Hussain told us. ‘He could’ve gone to London for a business degree, but he decided against it. That being said, working in a corner shop for the rest of his life isn’t his ambition, if he can progress himself in any way and make his dad proud, he would not hesitate to do what needs to be done.’

While determined to make a go of his job with Darren, Aadi is pleased to discover that Courtney has as much business knowledge and experience as her husband and she offers to help.

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‘He wants to progress further in his career and finds out that Courtney isn’t just beauty, but she’s brains as well, she offers to help him go further in his career,’ Adam revealed. But when Courtney makes it clear that she’s attracted to Aadi, he soon realises he feels the same.

‘The warm and welcoming personality, as well as her academic ability and her high knowledge of business is what draws him in, the constant flirtiness and fun energy that engages him is what pulls him further in,’ Adam explained.

When the relationship becomes sexual and the boundaries start to be blurred, Aadi quickly realises that, far from helping Dev to secure business with Darren he could be about to destroy everything – especially when Amy Barlow (Elle Mulvaney) walks in on Aadi and Courtney in an intimate moment.

Adam told us how his character is feeling when that happens. ’Aadi is quite worried at first, he’s desperate to get into Darren’s good books and make the investment for Dev happen. Dev reveals that he’s in quite a lot of debt as a result of securing the funds, so Aadi has a lot to handle, so all of that to be ruined just for his own sexual gratification would be devastating for him, especially if Darren finds out.’

While Amy promises she won’t say anything to Dev, Aadi knows he’s playing with fire and the results for his dad could be ruinous.

‘I think he’s aware of the consequences of the affair,’ Adam said. ‘He’s tried his best to resist the temptations of the advances, but he falls short. Him falling for her isn’t good because if things are exposed, Dev could be financially ruined and Aadi’s hopes of a successful career will be tarnished as well.

‘The whole ordeal has certainly made him flustered as he continues to get wrapped around Courtney’s finger.’

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