How Felicity Jones Felt About Meeting Ruth Bader Ginsburg

It’s one thing to meet someone you admire in real life. It’s quite another scenario altogether to meet someone you admire — and whom you’ve just portrayed on the big screen for the world to see.

That was exactly the case for Felicity Jones when she met the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg in December 2018, according to Us Weekly. The British actor had just portrayed the U.S. Supreme Court justice in the biopic On the Basis of Sex, which came out in November 2018, and had dinner with Ginsburg.

The Rogue One and Theory of Everything star said she wanted to get everything right as she told the story of how a young Ginsburg, who passed in September 2020, balanced being a mother while advocating for women’s rights in the courtroom as an attorney.

So how exactly did the Oscar-nominated actress feel about meeting the legal legend in real life? Keep reading for Jones’ reaction.

Felicity Jones was so starstruck by Ruth Bader Ginsburg that she almost made a faux pas

You might have thought Felicity Jones was meeting the Queen of England when first introduced to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. “I felt like I wanted to curtsy,” she told Us Weekly.

Although the actor felt “insanely nervous,” she said, Ginsburg, then 85, was “incredibly welcoming.” She even offered Jones encouragement on playing her in the movie. “She simply said, ‘I’ve seen your work, I know you can do it.’ It gave me enormous confidence.”

Before they had dinner, Ginsburg invited Jones to her office, which the latter described as a “very warm environment — covered in photographs of friends and family and all sorts of mementos that had been sent to her by her fans.”

It seems Jones left the encounter with nothing but praise and further admiration for RBG. “She doesn’t take her position or her fame lightly,” she said. “She has a great humanity.”

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