Is Sam Heughan The Reason 'Outlander' Season 5 Might Be Delayed Until 2020?

Outlander fans cannot wait for the end of another Droughtlander, but Season 5 of Starz’s hit series might not premiere as quickly as expected. Filming for the upcoming season of Outlander has already begun and should finish by the end of the month. Star Sam Heughan’s busy schedule, however, could reportedly push back the premiere date to as late as 2020.

Did Heughan press pause on filming ‘Outlander’?

Heughan has already had a busy 2019. Not only did he receive an honorary doctorate from the University of Glasgow, but the Outlander star landed parts in two big projects this year. While Heughan’s success outside of the series is good, fans cannot help but wonder if his busy schedule will delay Season 5.

According to BusinessTimes, there is a chance that Heughan has to stop filming the newseason of Outlander so that he can concentrate on his other projects.

There is no denying that Heughan is a busy man, but it does notappear as though his schedule is interfering with any of his projects. In fact,Heughan has been working on the new season of Outlander since April and,along with the rest of the cast and crew, has been slowly progressing throughwhat is a big year for the show.

In a recent interview, Heughan opened up about the challenges of adapting Diana Gabaldon’s The Fiery Cross and how filming American scenes has been difficult.

“I think the sheer size of what we’re dealing with now and the sheer numbers of cast and of locations, as well, is a challenge,” Heughan shared. “We’re still shooting in Scotland for America, so that’s a challenge, too.

Sam Heughan talks about new projects

Heughan may be a busy man, but he recently took time away fromthe studio to chat about his new projects. The actor is set to appear alongsideVin Diesel in the upcoming movie, Bloodshot, and opened up about what itwas like working with his co-star.

Heughan revealed that acting alongside Diesel has been a greatexperience and that he has a lot of fight scenes with him in the movie. Heughanalso shared that he had to train a lot for the film and that his charactercould become the next supervillain.

Apart from Bloodshot, Heughan noted that he worked on anindependent film this year as well. When it comes to Outlander, theactor also took on producing responsibilities in Season 5, which added evenmore to his plate than previous years.

Both Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe started working as producers in the new season and have been vocal about taking on more responsibilities in the past. We do not know how much they are involved in the producing aspects of the show, but it is great to see them work behind the cameras for once.

What’s ahead for Season 5 of ‘Outlander’?

Season 4 of Outlander ended with Jamie (Heughan) receivingsome conflicting orders from the governor. Jamie was tasked with hunting downthe rebels, which includes his old ally Murtagh (Duncan Lacroix). The newseason will pick up with Jamie contemplating how to move forward withoutoffending both sides, and Heughan admitted that it will be tricky navigatingthe political waters in Season 5.

On one hand, Jamie needs to please the governor or risk losinghis land and good standing. On the other, he cannot in good conscience go against his own familymember, nor would he want to.

There is no telling how Jamie will get himself out of the mess inSeason 5, but he has plenty of experience to help with through it. After all,he knows how to play the political game and knows what is ahead thanks toClaire (Balfe).

At the end of the day, Jamie understands that he needs to switchsides before the War of Independence breaks out but getting the timing rightwill be key. Jamie and Claire also have a family to look after now that Brianna(Sophie Skelton) and Roger (Richard Rankin) are living at Fraser’s Ridge.

Starz has not revealed when the new season of Outlanderwill premiere. The series could be back as early as this fall or as late as thespring of 2020, depending on when filming is finished.

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