Lisa's despicable lies about Louise are exposed in dramatic EastEnders scenes

Lisa Fowler (Lucy Benjamin) has returned to EastEnders and is determined to get revenge on Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters) by blackmailing him.

With Keanu desperate to see his daughter, Lisa has laid out her financial demands which, if met, will allow him access to Peggy.

In upcoming episodes, Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean) will implore Keanu to explain to Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden) what Lisa is doing.

When Keanu is evasive, Sharon blurts out the truth herself, causing Phil to go mad.

Things only get worse when Lisa arrives to collect Peggy and is confronted by Sharon, Keanu, Phil and Kat (Jessie Wallace) who have all spoken to Louise about what Lisa has been telling them.

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‘She’s saying that Louise turned to drink and to drugs and that she would just go missing for weeks on end,’ actress Lucy Benjamin explained, ‘so Lisa basically had the responsibility of looking after Peggy.

‘When they moved away, through what had gone on with Sharon and Keanu, Louise went to pot really, and everything came crumbling down around her. And so, Lisa had to step up and take responsibility of Peggy.’

However, it soon becomes clear that parts of Lisa’s story don’t add up, and it isn’t long before her lies are exposed.

Actor Danny Walters revealed that Keanu is ‘very angry’ at Lisa as the truth comes out.

‘He’s very emotional and he wears his heart on his sleeve sometimes, but I think he is also a guy of principles, and he has a very good moral compass, and I think the fact that someone had done that to him, to use that against his daughter for an ulterior motive, I think it goes against Keanu’s moral compass.

‘So he’s really upset and he’s very angry at Lisa and the fact that she used Peggy as collateral damage for her own issues.’

With Lisa proved to have been lying, what truths are set to come out?

What is she really up to?

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