MAFS Australias Bryce brands Rebecca a liar over second girlfriend rumour

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Married At First Sight Australia turned fiery when Bryce Ruthven clashed with Rebecca Zemek during a dinner party.

The two reality stars got into a heated row in front of the other couples at dinner during an episode on Monday night (October 25).

Bryce, who is married to Melissa, wanted to call out Rebecca, who is married to Jake Edwards, after she started spreading a rumour that Bryce had a secret girlfriend outside of the experiment.

Rebecca had told her co-stars that Bryce was seeing another girl alongside his bride Melissa, and claimed that Bryce had confided in her during a chat they had shared at the gym.

According to Rebecca, Bryce had revealed to her that he was secretly involved with another girl outside of the television show, and that he was hoping to buy a gift for her but didn't want to get caught.

Tensions came to a head when Bryce fumed at Rebecca during dinner, branding her a "liar".

Bryce and Melissa were the first couple to get married on the show.

Things weren't smooth sailing for the couple, as Bryce changed his mind about whether he wanted to stay with her during a commitment ceremony.

He also made a number of comments about her appearance, including that he wouldn't go up to Melissa if he saw her in bar.

During a commitment ceremony, he said: "I've even said to Liss if I were in a bar, would I go up to Liss, probably not."

He added: "She's just not my type. She's pretty close, but one little feature's missing… blue eyes."

He even ranked Melissa the fourth most attractive bride in the season, prompting the experts to point out how beautiful Melissa was and how lucky he was to have her.

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  • Married at First Sight

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