Terrorism trauma for Max after he faces a decision in Corrie spoiler video

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Max Turner (Paddy Bever) is doing his best to keep on the straight and narrow in Coronation Street, but his loyalties are tested in Friday’s (July 14) edition of the ITV soap as he heads to see Reece, a member of the extremism gang he was a part of.

Reece is the father of Lauren (Cait Fitton), who is now back on the cobbles. She met Max while in the gang but ran away to Cornwall after Spider (Martin Hancock) and his mates successfully destroyed the group.

When Lauren arrived in Weatherfield, she told Max that she was trying to change for the better and he agreed to help as he’s also doing the same following time in the STC.

In a recent episode of the ITV soap though, it appeared Lauren’s mindset wasn’t exactly the same as Max’s, as she was seen on the phone to her dad, agreeing to a visiting request.

In this new video, we see the moment Max and Lauren arrive to see the former gang member.

The teenagers ignore Reece, who is trying to break the ice, but then focuses on the fact that Max has just given a statement to the police against Griff (Michael Condron).

Initially, Max is surprised by Reece’s response to his actions, but it then becomes apparent he has another motive.

Lauren believes that her dad doesn’t deserve to be in prison and wonders whether Max would make another statement to the police, telling them that if Reece didn’t follow Griff’s orders, Lauren would be in danger.

Max is stunned, but what will he say?

Will he help Lauren, just so Reece can walk free?

‘I think Lauren is very naïve’, Cait Fitton told us.

She’s a very easily misled character, but there’s definitely more to her than meets the eye. I think the audience was very, very wary of her at the start, because obviously what was going on, you know, the alert signs and the red flags that were showing.

‘But I do think when she left, there was a big shift – I was really, really overwhelmed with the amount of support I came out with. And I think Lauren is very much of an outcast, she shares this edited version of herself and her life, and I think that’s what young people – especially teenagers nowadays – can relate to, because on social media, for example, you are to put this front on, you have to put this front on, and everything’s like a fairy-tale until the cracks start to show.’

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