Trevor Noah Has Figured Out a Great Way to Stave Off Coronavirus

Trevor Noah examined the continued spread of coronavirus and offered an ingenious, although medically dubious, way to protect oneself from the disease on The Daily Show Thursday.

Coronavirus has spread to 52 countries, prompting governments to take drastic action, whether it’s Japan closing schools for a month or Saudi Arabia shutting its doors on people looking to make the traditional pilgrimage to Mecca. “It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, from China and Spain to Saudi Arabia and Japan, coronavirus is going after everybody, which is really scary,” Noah said, before cracking: “But also really woke. You don’t think about it, but coronavirus is more diverse than the Oscars — everybody gets a chance.”

Noah touched on President Donald Trump’s decision to put Vice President Mike Pence in charge of handling the outbreak in the United States (“Maybe the plan is to have Mike Pence bore the virus to death”), as well as the way the virus is wreaking havoc on the stock market. While the market is plummeting overall, stay-at-home businesses like Netflix and Peloton are actually doing quite well, and the outbreak has also been a boon to companies that make protective masks — although limited stock, Noah noted, has also led to some egregious price gouging.

“That’s why I did the next best thing and bought a DVD of The Mask,” Noah said, holding up a copy of the 1994 Jim Carrey film. “Just hold it in front of your face and no one will bother you because you look like a crazy person. It keeps you healthy and it’s a good movie!”

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