Brit pensioner first in world to get Oxford Covid vaccine – and celebrated by watching Corrie with his wife – The Sun

A DIALYSIS patient has become the first person in the world to receive the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine – and celebrated by having a nap and watching Coronation Street.

Brian Pinker, 82, became the first person to receive the vaccine yesterday morning at Oxford's Churchill Hospital.

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Six hospital trusts – in Oxford, London, Sussex, Lancashire and Warwickshire – are beginning to administer the jab yesterday, with 530,000 doses ready for use.

Speaking outside his home in Oxford yesterday he told The Sun: "I'm feeling good. "It didn't hurt at all. As soon as I got the call about it I said 'yes, I'm having it'."

"It was a no brainer – this virus is terrible and this is the only way of getting back to normal."

He was "very pleased" to get the Oxford vaccine, as he is Oxford born and bred.

The Oxford United fan added: "It was only made up the road – I feel quite proud."

The pensioner joked: "I'm surprised by all the attention. I didn't think I'd have to wait until I was 82 to be famous."

And when asked if he was planning to celebrate his vaccine last night, he said: "I think I'm going to have a nap, and then watch Coronation Street later on."

He and wife Shirley can't wait to get on the bus to Milton Keynes for a coffee once everything has "blown over".

Shirley, 78, added: "I'm so chuffed for Brian to get the jab. I'm desperate to get it too as I'm his carer.

"Brian goes to dialysis three times a week, so his life revolves around dialysis appointments and watching TV really.

"We used to get the bus to Milton Keynes or Reading for a coffee every week for a change of scenery – so we're looking forward to being able to do that again."

The pair are set to celebrate their 48th wedding anniversary in February – and Brian is planning to cook a slap up meal for his wife.

Sam Foster, Chief Nursing Officer at Oxford University Hospitals administered the jab. Speaking outside the hospital yesterday she called it an "exciting moment", joking that she didn't have shakey hands.

She said: "He [Brian] was raring to go, we spoke to him over the weekend. He had no hesitation and said he didn't feel a thing after his vaccine.

"A great patient, a great advocate for this vaccine".

Adding: "This is an absolute game changer, I think there's nothing that my colleagues in the NHS want more than an at scale programme now to vaccinate as many people as we can."

It was only made up the road – I feel quite proud to be Oxford born and bred

Also among the first to have the vaccine was also Professor Andrew Pollard, who is the director of the Oxford vaccine group.

Prof Pollard said: “It was an incredibly proud moment for me to have received the actual vaccine that the University of Oxford and the AstraZeneca teams have worked so hard to make available to the UK and the world.

"As a paediatrician specialising in infections, I know how important it is that healthcare workers along with other priority groups are protected as soon as possible – a crucial role in defeating this terrible disease.”

Health secretary Matt Hancock has described the vaccine rollout as a "pivotal moment" in the UK's fight against the virus.

Mr Hancock said the NHS had the capacity to deliver two million doses a week of the vaccine once it received supplies from the manufacturers.

It's the second vaccine to be rolled out in the UK, after the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine was first given to 91-year-old Northern Ireland born Margaret Keenan on December 8.

She received her second dose of the vaccine just days before Christmas.

Hospitals at six NHS trusts will be the first to give the vaccine. It will reach more than 500 GP surgeries and community centres by the end of the week, with the Prime Minister saying “we are going as fast as we can”.

Britain has ordered 100 million doses of the new vaccine, enough for 50 million people. Unlike the Pfizer vaccine, it can be stored in a fridge making it easier to get into care homes and GP surgeries.
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