Commercial pilots had jobs threatened over reporting UFO sightings

Commercial pilots were told not speak publicly about UFOs and were warned by their superiors they could lose their jobs if they reported sightings, expert claims

  • There have been dozens of reports of strange lights in the north across the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, according to UFO Witness program host Ben Hansen
  • Hansen said a couple of pilots who came forward to him were brought into the office of their airline’s chief pilot and were threatened with losing their jobs 
  • It comes after a landmark hearing was held by congress on UFOs on Wednesday where whistleblowers claimed flying objects are extremely common in airspace

Commercial pilots have allegedly had their jobs threatened if they reported UFO sightings and warned not to speak about it. 

There have been dozens of reports of strange lights in the northern hemisphere across the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, according to the host of Discovery’s UFO Witness, Ben Hansen.

He claimed in an interview Wednesday with NewsNation that some of the sightings can be explained by a new satellite orbit but a lot of outlier cases started coming forward in which crafts were doing 90 degree turns, hovering and taking off into the atmosphere. 

Hansen said a couple of pilots who came forward to him were hauled into the office of their airline’s chief pilot and threatened with losing their jobs.

It comes after the landmark hearing was held by congress on UFOs on Wednesday where whistleblowers claimed the flying objects are extremely common in airspace.

Commercial pilots have allegedly had their jobs threatened if they reported UFO sightings and warned not to speak about it, according to UFO Witness program host Ben Hansen

Hansen told NewsNation’s Brian Entin (left) that there have been dozens of reports of strange lights in the northern hemisphere across the Pacific and Atlantic oceans

Hansen said he started to cover pilot reports on flying alien objects because they were becoming more frequent. 

‘About August of last year I started reporting on pilot reports because we were having dozens of people reporting mainly towards the north crossing the Pacific and the Atlantic and seeing lights,’ he told NewsNation. 

‘Although we were able to explain some of that as a new starlink kind of orbit, a lot of these what I call outlier cases start coming forward were exactly like Graves indicated these are doing 90 degree turns, they’re stopping, they’re hovering and taking off into the atmosphere.’

He added: ‘At least a couple of these pilots who came to me were brought into their company uh their airline company chief pilot’s office and were threatened basically with their jobs and told not to talk about this.

‘That surprised me because I didn’t think that that stigma was so heavy, especially in the commercial industry.’

Asked of there is a way for pilots to report UFOs without the risk of losing their jobs, Hansen said: ‘It’s getting there I think we’re still very far away from it.

‘We are looking at avenues to do that, it’s probably going to be a civilian private sector solution to this because it feels safer for them to do that until the government has a better avenue. 

‘It’s one thing to report to the government, it’s another thing to be that person who comes forward with your company and now you are getting social media attention on it.

‘One of them put it nicely and said you know I could I could video a satellite and put that on social media and my company would say nothing but if I do the same and take a UFO video and tell people this is what I saw then I’m in trouble.’ 

It comes after Ryan Graves, a former F-18 pilot with over a decade of service in the US Navy testified under oath in the congress hearing that UAPs, unidentified aerial phenomena, are extremely common in airspace.

He told the committee that he and more than 30 aircrew members and veterans have experienced them along with members of Congress who have confided in him.

Graves said, as an F-18 pilot in the Red Rippers, their squadron was ‘split by UAP’ during a training mission near Virginia Beach in 2014.

He described the object as ‘dark gray or black inside a transparent sphere.’ It was about 15 feet in diameter and came within 50 feet of the lead aircraft.

The mission commander ended the flight, and the squadron submitted a safety report, Graves continued to explain.

‘This story is more common than we expect,’ Graves said: ‘more than 30 witnesses had told his group about similar sightings.’

‘Often, they are veterans with decades of flying experience,’ he added.

Graves also said, ‘UAPs are in our airspace but are grossly underreported.’

David Grusch – a former high-ranking intelligence official- spoke next, providing details about how the US government has ‘intact and partially intact’ extraterrestrial vehicles.

Hansen claimed some sightings can be explained by a new satellite orbit but a lot of outlier cases started coming forward which were doing 90 degree turns, hovering and taking off into the atmosphere

Ryan Graves, a former pilot, Air Force and intelligence agency veteran David Grusch and Navy veteran fighter pilot Commander David Fravor were sworn into the Congress hearing on UFOs

He has previously said the US has run a top-secret UFO retrieval program for decades and claimed the ‘Vatican was involved’ in the first-ever UFO crash.

Grusch said last month that the first recovery of a UFO was in Magenta, Italy, in 1933, and Mussolini’s Italian government held it until 1944 through 1945 when Pope Pius XII tipped America off about it.

‘Due to my extensive executive level intelligence support duties, I was cleared to literally all relevant compartments and in a position of extreme trust both of my military and civilian capacities,’ Grusch said during Wednesday’s hearing.

‘I was informed in the course of my official duties of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program to which I was denied access to that additional read-on when I requested it.’

Representative Glenn Grothman asked Grusch if he firmly believes the government has possession of UAPs, to which the former intelligence officer responded, ‘sbsolutely.’

And he said that is based on interviews with at least 40 witnesses.

Asked where the craft are, he added: ‘I know the exact locations and those locations were provided to the inspector general … I actually had the people with the firsthand knowledge provide a protected disclosure to the Inspector General.’

Grusch also said he had faced brutal retaliation after coming forward about his firsthand accounts of UFOs.

‘I do have knowledge of active planned reprisal activity against myself and other colleagues.

‘There were certain colleagues of mine that were brutally administratively attacked. It makes me very upset as a leader to see that happen to other co-workers and superiors of mine in the last three years,’ Grusch added.

‘How do you account for that response? That seems like a bizarre response,’ Maryland Democrat Jamie Raskin asked.

‘I call it administrative terrorism. That’s in their quiver or tool in the toolbox to silence people, especially the career government servants who care about their career, care about their clearance, their reputation, to climb the ladder, and when you threaten that flow, that career path, a lot of people back off, but I’m here to represent those people,’ Grusch said.

Veteran fighter pilot Commander David Fravor, reminded the world about his infamous 2004 encounter with the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO.

‘I’d like to say that the tic tac object we engaged in 2004 was far superior to anything that we had at the time, have today or looking to develop in the next 10 years, he said.

‘If we, in fact, have programs that possess this technology, it needs to have oversight from those people that the citizens of this country elected in office to represent what is best for the United States and best for the citizens.’

Fravor described the Tic Tac object as being ‘perfectly white, smooth and had no windows,’ with ‘two little objects that came out of the bottom.’

Fravor reminded the world about his infamous 2004 encounter with the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO. ‘I’d like to say that the tic tac object we engaged in 2004 was far superior to anything that we had at the time, have today or looking to develop in the next 10 years, he said

Ryan Graves told the committee that he and more than 30 aircrew members and veterans have experienced UAPs, unidentified aerial phenomena, along with members of Congress who have confided in him

‘It was amazing to see. I told my buddy I wanted to fly it,’ Fravor said during the first-of-its-kind hearing.

‘I’m not like a UFO fanatic — that’s not me. But I will tell you that what we saw with four sets of eyes over five minutes, still, there’s nothing we have nothing close to it,’ he said. ‘It’s just an incredible technology.’

When Fravor was asked if he knew of any similar technology on Earth, he responded: ‘Nothing that can come down from space, hang out for three hours and then go back up.’

He continued to explain that he and his squadron witnessed a UAP drop from 80,000 feet — nearly twice the ceiling of their F-18 fighter jets — down to the ocean’s surface, where another craft seemed to be churning up the sea.

‘Then it raced off past their rendezvous point three times faster than their jets,’ he said

Fravor also said there are multiple witnesses coming forward that say that they have first-hand knowledge [of UFOs], which may have been a reference to a former Marine who claims he and five comrades saw a flying saucer being loaded with weapons while serving in Indonesia in 2009.

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