Governor wins back job after dismissal for questioning sex ed lessons

Parent governor wins back job after dismissal for questioning gender ideology sex education lessons

  • The woman objected to pupils being encouraged to talk about gender ideology 

A parent governor has won her role back after she was dismissed for questioning the gender ideology being taught at her children’s primary school.

The Christian woman objected to sex education lesson plans which would see pupils encouraged to talk about their gender ideology and discuss the idea that being a man or a woman is determined by personality and hobbies rather than biology.

Her children’s school also used the infamous ‘Genderbread Person’ graphic that claims that an individual’s gender identity and ‘gender expression’ can differ from their biological sex, ranging on a scale from ‘male-ness’ to ‘female-ness’.

The woman from Gateshead, known only as Susan to protect her children’s anonymity, raised concerns with other governors in March 2021 that the school’s Relationships and Sex Education policy could be unlawful.

She then lodged an official complaint but before it was concluded the governing body removed her in June 2022, banning her from serving on any school in England for five years, over her ‘continued dissatisfaction’ with the process.

A parent governor has won her role back after she was dismissed for questioning the gender ideology being taught at her children’s primary school (File image)

An appeal panel set up by the local authority upheld the decision, prompting Susan – backed by the Christian Institute – to take her case to the High Court.

Her lawyers argued that the governing body and appeal panel acted unlawfully, including breaching her Article 10 right to freedom of expression.

They have now accepted that the decision to remove Susan was unlawful and she was reinstated after an order made by the High Court last month.

Susan said: ‘I was concerned at the devastation that might be done to children from teaching gender ideology. 

‘I’m absolutely delighted that I’ve been vindicated. It feels wonderful to be back and helping the school get the best outcomes for all the children there.’

Ciarán Kelly, deputy director of The Christian Institute, said: ‘It was clear from the start that the school’s RSE policy had not been properly thought through, nor external resources properly vetted. 

The discredited idea that ‘gender identity’ can be different from biological sex has no basis in science, and the policy gives little or no consideration to what was suitable for the age or religious background of the pupils it would be foisted upon.’

Her children’s school also used the infamous ‘Genderbread Person’ graphic that claims that an individual’s gender identity and ‘gender expression’ can differ from their biological sex, ranging on a scale from ‘male-ness’ to ‘female-ness’

He went on: ‘It is alarming that only one governor felt prepared to challenge the school’s RSE policy – perhaps it shows how politically charged these issues have become. 

‘To then be told her rightful actions were ‘inconsistent with collective decision-making’ added insult to injury.’

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