MEGHAN MCCAIN: Hunter's a nepo-baby scumbag

MEGHAN MCCAIN: Mr. President – when will you realize that your nepo-baby scumbag son doesn’t deserve to be an honored guest at the People’s White House? You’re spitting in the faces of Americans who pay taxes and earn an honest living

Hunter Biden could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and still get invited back into the Presidential fold.

America’s disgraced First Son was once again thrust into the center of White House festivities on Thursday night, dressed in a flashy tuxedo and hobnobbing with the most powerful people in the world at a state dinner in honor of India’s prime minister.

In attendance were celebrities, powerful politicians, global leaders and – most pertinently – Attorney General Merrick Garland, who leads the Justice Department that just handed Hunter no more than a pathetic slap on the wrist for tax and gun crimes.

That’s right, buried amid tragic news about the Titanic Five, it emerged that – following an arduous five-year investigation – the President’s only surviving son cut a deal with prosecutors.

If he pleads guilty to two misdemeanors for ‘failure to pay taxes,’ as well as, lying on a firearm transaction record, he’ll likely avoid jail time.

This is a man who appears to have concealed millions in income through tax dodging.

Who proudly brandished a gun on camera, as he snorted and smoked all manner of drugs alongside a coterie of prostitutes.

Whose lover – his dead brother Beau’s widow – dumped his weapon in a grocery store trash can across from a school in 2018, only for the Secret Service to swoop in and seemingly launch a cover-up.

Top legal experts have since slammed the sweetheart deal as an aberration of justice.

So, you’ll forgive me for saying it how it is: we’re dealing with an elitist scumbag, the ultimate product of nepotism.

America’s disgraced First Son was once again thrust into the center of White House festivities on Thursday night, dressed in a flashy tuxedo and hobnobbing with the most powerful people in the world at a state dinner in honor of India’s prime minister.

President Joe Biden and India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi toast during an official state dinner at the White House on June 22, 2023

In attendance were celebrities, powerful politicians, global leaders and – most pertinently – Attorney General Merrick Garland, who leads the Justice Department that just handed Hunter no more than a pathetic slap on the wrist for tax and gun crimes.

Yet according to our president, Hunter’s a good boy worthy of representing the United States.

Enough! Hunter doesn’t deserve the privilege.

Of course, I know what’s going to be said: Hunter is an addict, and his father is protecting him as any parent would.

‘I’m very proud of my son,’ Joe repeatedly mumbles like a broken record.

Would he please shut up with that nonsense! No one buys it.

What makes me truly sick to my stomach is that his father – our President and the leader of the free world – doesn’t express one ounce of shame for his son’s behavior.

This 53-year-old man won’t even apparently allow his own daughter, Navy Roberts, the right to take his last name, for God’s sake.

President Biden and the First Lady refuse to even acknowledge the four-year-old child, the offspring of a relationship – that Hunter claims he can’t remember – with a former Washington DC exotic dancer.

This week, Hunter won a fight in court to slash his monthly child support payments to Navy’s mother.

The cruelty from the First Family is hard to fathom.

We have also now learned that Hunter was allegedly tossed out of a LA-based sex club, where members pay as much as $75,000 to join.

‘Hunter was a member of SNCTM and I cancelled his membership after 1 party because he’s a scumbag,’ wrote the orgy club’s founder in a since deleted post.

But, for Hunter – it’s always bygones.

Until this time.

We now have very good reason to believe Hunter’s latest follies involve something far worse.

You’ll forgive me for saying it how it is: we’re dealing with an elitist scumbag, the ultimate product of nepotism, who blames everyone else for his problems and goes running to daddy every time he ends up in trouble.

This is a man who appears to have concealed millions in income through tax dodging. Who proudly brandished a gun on camera, as he snorted and smoked all manner of drugs alongside a coterie of prostitutes.

On Thursday, the Republican chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee released new testimony from whistleblower Gary Shapley, a 14-year veteran of IRS and another anonymous agency source.

It is potentially damning.

Shapley was tapped to oversee Hunter’s IRS probe. He previously alleged that the Justice Department’s Tax Division and the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office ‘provided preferential treatment’ toward Hunter and intentionally ‘slow-walked’ the investigation, which took a whopping 5 years to complete.

The first question is: why so long?

According to Shapley, the snail’s pace allowed the statute of limitations on several potential charges to expire, purportedly allowing Hunter to skate on his failure to pay $400,000 in taxes on income from 2014 and 2015.

Now, Shapley’s newly-released testimony alleges government investigators were blocked from pursuing a search warrant of Joe Biden’s guest house, where Hunter once lived, and they were obstructed from pursuing leads that led to Hunter’s adult children.

The allegations go on and on, but maybe the most shocking evidence, if true, is a WhatsApp message that Shapley says the government obtained showing Hunter seeming telling a powerful Chinese businessman and Communist Party official to pay up, or else he’ll tell daddy.

‘I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,’ Hunter Biden reportedly wrote to Henry Zhao.

‘I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.’

As of Friday, Hunter’s lawyer wasn’t denying the message’s authenticity.

‘Any verifiable words or actions of my client in the midst of a horrible addiction are solely his own and have no connection to anyone in his family,’ attorney Christopher Clark said in a statement on Friday.

This 53-year-old man won’t even allow his own daughter, Navy Roberts (above, left), the right to take his last name, for God’s sake.

‘I’m very proud of my son,’ Joe repeatedly mumbles like a broken record. Would he please shut up with that nonsense! No one buys it.

Here we go again. Nothing Hunter did or said during his addiction can be taken seriously, according to his defenders.

Yes, they can.

Joe has long claimed that he wasn’t aware of Hunter’s overseas dealings. He has said that he was oblivious to the fact that Hunter was raking in millions from a shady Ukrainian energy firm, called Burisma.

But now, the Biden administration appears to be hedging on that. ‘As we have said many times before, the President was not in business with his son,’ the White House said Friday.

Notice the subtle switch here?

No longer are they claiming that President Biden was unaware of Hunter’s behavior. Now they’re saying that father and son weren’t ‘in business’ together.

At what point should any of this give the American media pause? At what point will they refuse to accept President Biden’s claim that he’s simply ‘proud’ of his son?

Keep in mind, Hunter is still trading on his family name.

He’s selling artwork to anonymous buyers for hundreds of thousands of dollars. And we all know the only reason that he can command those prices is because his dad is president.

But there’s Hunter – slapping backs at the White House, sitting a few tables away from the attorney general, jetting off to Ireland on an official trip with pops, and showing up at numerous White House events.

A White House state dinner is not a family BBQ – it is a reflection of our nation. And Thursday night’s image screamed: in America, as long as you’re rich and powerful, anything goes.

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