Melania Trump ‘wants to go home’ and 'asked if she’ll get any funds or staff after leaving White House'

MELANIA Trump just "wants to go home" to Mar-a-Lago and asked if she'd be getting any funds or staff after leaving White House, reports claim.

While Donald Trump rails against the 2020 results and multiple failed election lawsuits, Melania, 50, is apparently laying the groundwork for her East Wing exit and plans the family's move to Mar-a-Lago, Florida.

"She just wants to go home," a source familiar with the first lady's state of mind told CNN, adding that Trump running again in four years time "might not go over well" with his wife.

The publication reported that Melania's unpaid volunteer office aide Marcia Lee Kelly was instructed to discreetly find out from the Office of Management and Budget if some taxpayers' money was allocated to Flotus.

However, the answer was a resounding no as outgoing first ladies only receive a meagre $20,000-a-year pension – and only when their husband dies.

But insiders said Melania is busy putting all her energy and focus into the Washington DC departure from the White House, where there's an inventory being taken of her furniture, art, and personal belongings.

Sources also revealed that Melania is considering writing a coffee table book about hospitality history in the White House or design projects she did in her official role and continuing her "Be Best" platform.

She's also done one of the key tasks done by outgoing first ladies: picking the Trump administration's official china as she organizes the move from DC.

Barron, 14, will reportedly finish the school year in Florida and leave the well-to-do suburban Maryland public school he's been enrolled in for three years once Trump hands over power to President-elect Joe Biden.

Meanwhile, Melania has been kept busy coordinating the shipment of her belongings from Pennsylvania Ave and her Trump Tower penthouse in New York City to Mar-a-Lago.

She's been getting her favored interior decorator Tham Kannalikham to oversea Mar-a-Lago's "aesthetic facelift," according to CNN.

The main building is 3,000 square feet, which pales in comparison to the White House's 55,000 square foot expanse.

Another insider said there is now "a really extensive Secret Service presence now," at Mar-a-Lago pending the Trumps' arrival in January.

Laurence Leamer who wrote "Mar-a-Lago: Inside the Gates of Power at Donald Trump's Presidential Palace" said Flotus' parents Viktor and Amalija Knavs have a suite of rooms there "not far from the family quarters."

He said they stay there often and have done so over the course of the couple's two decade marriage.

The first lady's chief of staff Stephanie Grisham said her boss "is focused on her role as first lady."

"Monday she unveiled her most current effort in preserving the White House by announcing the completion of the tennis pavilion," Grisham told CNN.

"She also recently unveiled a new piece of art in the newly renovated Rose Garden. Her office just revealed this year's Christmas décor. Her schedule remains full with her duties as a mother, wife and first lady of the United States."

Meanwhile, despite his vocal Twitter complaints about Biden's win, Trump appeared to acknowledge the reality of the situation during his Georgia rally.

"I'd go to Florida," he told the crowd on Saturday. "I'd take it easy."

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