My daughter's school made me buy new shoes after deeming hers 'inappropriate' – teachers are even cutting buckles off | The Sun

A MUM has been left fuming after her daughter's school made her fork out for new shoes after deeming her pair "inappropriate".

Disgruntled parents have hit out at Holderness Academy and South Hunsley School in East Yorkshire after learning of draconian rules surrounding uniforms.

Both schools have been accused of being too heavy-handed with some pupils who breach the uniform rules even placed in isolation.

Parents have hit out at strict appearance standards with one student even punished for not tucking her shirt in.

And the uniform crackdown has been so strict that some parents claim that teachers are even cutting buckles off shoes.

One parent, whose daughter goes to Holderness Academy, in Hull, told HullLive: “I had to replace shoes because they had a gold trim.

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"My daughter was subjected to a 50-minute line up on the playground with all the other year 7s in blazing sun on Tuesday while the assistant head and other teachers went up and down the lines inspecting them.

“There’s children having buckles cut off their shoes by teachers, put in isolation for wearing a belt and being told they can’t wear a skirt bought from Asda despite it being identical to the one from Rawcliffes school shop.”

A spokeswoman for the Consortium Academy Trust, which runs Holderness Academy, says the rules are in place to encourage pride in being part of the school community.

She said: "The start of the academic year is a key period in which standards and expectations are set. We work respectfully with our learners to support good habits and adherence to key policies; this is in the best interest of all members of the school community.

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"Our schools’ uniform expectations foster equality and encourage a sense of pride and belonging in the community.

"We are working through a small number of concerns that have been raised by parents and will continue to work with them to overcome any barriers."

Holderness Academy is not alone in being criticised with South Hunsley also under fire from parents.

Parents online claim that the school have placed pupils in isolation for what they feel are relatively minor breaches of rules.

And fuming parents have also claimed South Hunsley have told pupils who wear trousers not to show their ankles.

One dad, whose daughter is at the school, told Hull Live: “A lot of parents are quite upset at how heavy handed the approach was on the first day back. It just doesn’t make sense to focus so obsessively on things like earrings and socks, what impact does that have on learning?

“Where is the evidence that learning is impacted by ankles being on show? It’s archaic and makes no sense.

"With so many children being punished on their first day back, I would’ve thought that impacted more on learning and wellbeing than the wearing of a bracelet.”

Other parents are reportedly wanting to write to the school requesting they halt the punitive approach to uniforms.

They feel it only fosters a negative approach to being at school and that being reprimanded for nose piercings and untucked shirts is a step too far. 

Parents have vented their frustrations at the "counterproductive rules" and believe the trivial nature of them means pupils will resist anyway.

The Education Alliance, which runs South Hunsley School, says the rules are made available well in advance and parents should be aware of them.

A spokeswoman said: “South Hunsley, like all schools in The Education Alliance Multi-Academy Trust, has a set of sensible and fair uniform rules that ensure an appropriate level of smartness.

“These rules are published well in advance and students and parents are clear about what is expected. The staff at South Hunsley are applying these rules fairly and proportionately.


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“If a student makes a choice not to follow rules, they are given a warning or a sanction.

"That is what happens in almost every school in the country, every day. The trust does not expect any school to fail to apply rules simply because a parent chooses to go to the press."

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