Police officers give two brides lift to their wedding

Police save the (wedding) day! Officers give two brides a lift to their ceremony after coach carrying bridal party breaks down

  • Two brides in Hedge End, Southhampton, driven to their wedding by police
  • Residents were delighted about incident and even asked if they could get a lift 

Police officers gave two brides a lift to their ceremony after the coach carrying the bridal party broke down.

Two brides in Hedge End, Southhampton, were worried to miss their wedding after their coach broke down on St John’s Road but the police’s neighbourhood team came to the rescue.

Hedge End Police said in a Facebook post: ‘The brides were understandably very worried that they were going to miss their wedding…

‘We told them to hop in to the police car and we gave them a lift in style to their wedding venue, arriving with minutes to spare.

‘We wish them all the best for a very happy future together and are very happy that we could be there to help.’

Two brides in Hedge End, Southhampton, were worried to miss their wedding after their coach broke down on St John’s Road but the police’s neighbourhood team came to the rescue

Hedge End Police said in a Facebook post: ‘The brides were understandably very worried that they were going to miss their wedding… ‘We told them to hop in to the police car and we gave them a lift in style to their wedding venue, arriving with minutes to spare’

Residents were delighted to hear about their local police and the post got over 700 likes and many comments.

One user commented on the force’s post saying: ‘Brilliant. The brides look stunning and I’m sure this is something they will share forever.’

‘We passed just as the police car got there and wondered if they’d do this! So glad the beautiful brides made it to the wedding on time,’ Fran Byres said.

Trudie Bellamy added: ‘Oh this is so lovely and a fab story for the brides to tell in years to come.’

Lindsey Rayner wrote: ‘Awesome well done Hedge End Police and congratulations to the bridges, absolutely beautiful, have a wonderful marriage.’

Emma Pawling congratulated: ‘Omg we saw you this morning! Saw the police car pull up behind you! Good job hedge end police.’

‘Love it! Well done officers for saving their day. Heroes in so many ways,’ Dawn Wetton agreed.

Anna-Louise Shearsmith asked: ‘Is this a service that you’ll offer in future? I’m in! Great work HEP!’

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