Ariadne Joseph Starts GoFundMe for Alleged Seeking Sister Wife Victim, Christeline Petersen

Ariadne Joseph is trying to put some money where her mouth has been.

Over the past several days, Joseph has spilled as much tea as she possibly can about her time as a member of the Dimitri and Ashley Snowden household.

This controversial couple is at the center of the TLC reality show Seeking Sister Wife, which centers on their attempt to find a suitable third partner with whom they can share their unusual life.

Their unusual and abusive life, Joseph would likely say.

Ariadne has gone on record multiple times of late, detailing the horrific conditions in which she found herself once she agreed to live with the Snowdens.

Speaking to blogger John Yates, for example, Joseph explained that she was required to walk around the home naked and wasn’t permitted to leave the premises on her own.

She also said Dimitri forced her to have sex in front of Ashley and, most disturbingly, that he assaulted her on more than one occasion.

After confronting Snowden about possibly cheating on her, Joseph told Yates that Dimitri strangled her and tossed her on to a table full of guns.

What about Ashley?

“She is an abuser, too. She’s a manipulator. And as I’ve said, they’re never as happy as they are when they’re terrorizing someone. They gang up on you,” Joseph said this month.

She said this just a few weeks after Christeline Petersen filed for a restraining order agaist Dimitri Snowden.

Petersen, who has actually been leglally married to Dimitri for almost two years, accused her husband in this filing of choking her during sex, while suffering bruises and scratches from other interactions with Dimitri.

“The more I struggled the more he enjoyed it,” Peterson told authorities of what would happen when she slept with Dimitri.

Peterson, who hails from South Africa, finally worked up the courage to leave Dimtri.

She’s now in hiding — and she’s struggling.

Enter Joseph, who very much feels Peterson’s pain … and who is now spear-heading a GoFundMe campaign on behalf of her fellow Seeking Sister Wife viictim, which currently has a goal of $10,000.

“I’ve recently become acquainted with this beautiful soul and she could really use our help,” Ariadne says in the campaign description, adding:\

“Christeline Peterson and her two daughters are in dire need of clothing and other essentials and supplies as they have few possessions with them where they are at.

“After having endured severe domestic abuse at the hands of her Husband, she is now in hiding and fears for her life. I know money is tight for many during this time but if we each chip in a little it will make a huge difference.”

Continued Joseph on the GoFundMe page:

“100% of the funds raised (minus Gofundme’s fee) will go towards getting Christeline back on her feet and stabilized here in the States until she can transition back home to South Africa.

“Any amount helps!

“Thank you and God Bless.”

Christeline’s sister wife on the current season of Seeking Sister Wife, Tayler Middleton, shared the campaign on her Instagram and penned this supportive message:

Chrissy! I told you back in 2019 when we first met that you would be my Sis for life NO MATTER WHAT!!! Back then, we had no idea what life would turn into but I am so glad that we didn’t have to go through that dark hole alone.

For days after leaving I felt sick to my stomach, not knowing where you and I stood, if you and the girls were ok…

After all this pain there will be sunshine, happiness and joy for you again!

Vanessa Cobbs, who appeared on Seeking Sister Wife Season 2, is also strongly on Team Peterson.

“If you’re able to, please take a moment to help support Christeline and her daughters,” she wrote.

“Chrissy is such a beautiful, kind, gentle soul and deserves nothing but love, peace, and happiness.

“All funds raised will go directly to Chrissy and her children.”

All of these women tell a similar story.

They all paint a very ugly picture of Dimitri and Ashley as an abusive and manipulative couple.

So… how are they still on the air?

Joseph has the same question.

“They allowed this piece of s**t to be on this damn show, and they continue to abuse, and misuse, and traumatize women,” Joseph told Yates, emphasizing that she outlined to TLC executives everything the Snowdens had done.

Her pleas were ignored.

“There’s a lot more to these situations, and I believe that it’s going to become public,” Joseph added.

“The world’s going to find out the truth. All of the truth — ALL OF IT. It’s time. It’s time. Somebody has to stop this.”

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