Jenelle Evans: Did She FAKE the David Eason Dog-Shooting Incident?

By now, you've probably heard the entire sordid story of how Jenelle Evans lost custody of her kids.

The short version goes something like this:

David Eason shot and killed Jenelle's dog in a fit of rage; the entire world freaked out because who the hell does that; CPS investigated and took the kids away to homes with fewer dog murderers.

By now, most of us are familiar with that narrative.

But this is Jenelle Evans we're talking about, which means there might be several layers of dishonesty, fabrication, and flat-out BS in play here.

Sure, no sane person would ever pretend that their husband executed the family dog, but that doesn't mean Jenelle would never do such a thing.

Yes, believe it or not, police now believe Evans might have made the whole thing up for publicity.

Check out the latest wild allegation against the former Teen Mom 2 star:

1.The Nugget Incident

2.Partner In Crime


4.David's Defense

5.Not the Brightest Bulb

6.Yeah, No …

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