Casey Batchelor says reality stars’ quick fix diets will fail as she brands their methods ‘unhealthy’

CASEY Batchelor has taken aim at reality TV stars’ quick fix diets and admitted she thinks their methods are “unhealthy”.

In an exclusive interview the mum-of-two blasted TV personalities for flogging “unsustainable” diet and exercise plans on their social media profiles.

Casey, 36, has become well known for her body transformation journey after re-training as a yoga teacher and launching a hugely successful fitness app.

But in recent years she has seen a number of people fall foul of “quick fix” diets and said she wanted to warn people they wouldn’t work.

Casey explained: “You see people taking these silly pills to lose weight, or unsustainable diet plans being pushed on Instagram by people in the public eye.

“It’s not sustainable, it’s not healthy and there is no longevity. As soon as you stop taking them you know you’re going back to square one.

“My clients know healthy weight loss and reaching their goals is a steady process. It’s not a quick fix.”

Casey lost four stone in weight following the birth of her first daughter Florence in 2018.

And after welcoming Sadie last January, Casey has gone on to lose the two-stone she put on while pregnant.

She has now developed a new 7 Day Blitz plan which will help people kick start their fitness journey.

The plan sits alongside the other content on her app, including yoga workouts and meal plans, which she first launched in 2018.

Speaking about the new plan, Casey explained: “The 7 day Blitz is a kick start programme to get you going.

“And then afterwards it’s all about healthy eating and regular exercise. Just keep it consistent.

“I know what it’s like to have new mum brain, and having two young girls to look after is hard work, so everything is tailored to women – and men – who have limited time on their hands.

“The workouts are short and can be added together for longer sessions, but they still work just as well if you only have five or ten minutes.

“So many people get in touch with me to share their transformations and I try and respond to every single one of them.

“They say I motivate them but really they’re the ones who motivate me.
“It’s amazing to see their results.”

Casey’s new 7 Day Blitz plan is available on – price £14.99 per month’s access.

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