I’m A Celebritys Mike Tindall is ‘diminishing’ Royal Family

I’m A Celeb: Mike Tindall is ‘diminishing’ Royal Family says expert

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Mike Tindall has caused some controversy among I’m A Celebrity viewers for his stint on the ITV reality show. Former BBC royal correspondent Michael Cole joined Good Morning Britain presenters Susanna Reid and Richard Madeley to discuss his thoughts on Mike’s royal revelations. He explained he thought although he was a “nice guy,” he was “diminishing” and “demeaning” the Royal Family.

The conversation came about after Mike revealed his trousers ripped in front of his mother-in-law, Princess Anne.

Mike revealed to Seann Walsh and Babatunde Alesha: “Zara had like a 30th birthday, I was dancing on the dance floor, I had like flares on.

“I did a sl*t drop in front of my mother-in-law, Ripped my trousers, straight in front of her. It happened to be that my boxers that I had on at that time said ‘nibble my nuts.’

“As I’ve turned round, she’s gone, ‘I’d rather not.’ I’ve gone, ‘I’m going’ and walked off.”

Michael explained: “Mike is a nice guy. He is a world cup winning hero, he married the late Queen’s granddaughter.

“He has got a lovely family, he is a nice guy. What on earth is he doing demeaning himself and diminishing the royal family in this show?”

Susanna interrupted: “Does it diminish the Royal Family or does it show that Princess Anne has got a sense of humour?”

Michael continued: “Well, she won’t be welcoming that. She won’t be welcoming that little story because she has history herself.

“Going back to 1985, It’s A Royal Knockout, and she was involved in that. Now that was a royal live television disaster with absolute knobs on.

“You would have thought they had learnt their lesson. Mike Tindall is in, he should have a sign on his head saying ‘I am only doing this for the money’ and of course, it is a large sum of money.”

Richard added: “Well hang on, you are making a much broader point there. You are basically saying that he shouldn’t be ‘prostituting’ himself and the royal family’s reputation for the sake of an ITV entertainment programme.

“That is to accept what he is doing, I did it last year, and I was prostituting myself, I was curious.”

Michael interjected: “But you are a television presenter, and a brilliant one, that is your job. It is not his job to do that.”

Susanna snapped: “It can’t be full of television presenters!”

Michael exclaimed: “Come on, money is a good servant but it is a bad master.”

Unhappy with what Michael, Richard asked: “So you are saying that that specific anecdote went too far?

“Because I would say that he just reinforced what we thought. We all know about Princess Anne and that she is quite rough and tumble and rudimentary in her language.”

Mike’s best friend James Haskell was also on the show and defended Mike’s choices and said: “I don’t think he has exploded.

“I think what he has done is drawn the curtain back and said something very funny I think it humanises Princess Anne, who has got an amazing sense of humour.

“I have seen it first hand [and] she wouldn’t have batted an eyelid, I don’t think it would have even registered. It was a joke and it was funny. “

Good Morning Britain airs weekdays from 6am on ITV.

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