Footage shows burnt remains of JLS star Oritse Williams £3M mansion

Haunting footage shows the burnt remains of JLS star Oritse Williams £3million mansion after it was destroyed by fire just days he was cleared of raping fan

  • Urban explorer Colin Smith, 36, captured video of the £3M Croydon property after fire in June 2019
  • The house is covered in rubble and the staircase has got grass and moss growing through the carpet 
  • Upstairs bedrooms have been completely gutted and are now only home to pigeons who have created nests 

Haunting footage has revealed the remains of the home of former JLS star Oritsé Williams which was burnt down just days after he was acquitted of raping a fan.

Urban explorer Colin Smith, 36, from Hampshire, captured the video of the £3million Croydon property covered in rubble after a fire ripped through the house in June 2019. 

Footage shows the kitchen fitted with top of the range solid marble countertops and the living room boasts an ornate fireplace. 

A safe for valuables which survived the fire is left abandoned in one of the many utility rooms of the three-storey property.

Scroll down for video. 

Urban explorer Colin Smith, 36, from Hampshire, captured the video of the £3million Croydon property covered in rubble after a fire ripped through the house in June 2019

Footage shows the kitchen fitted with top of the range solid marble countertops and the living room boasts an ornate fireplace

Aerial photographs show the extent of the damage caused to the JLS singer’s property 

The roof of the mansion in Croydon was almost completely gutted after the blaze tore through the property

With the roof of the house destroyed by the fire, the house is covered in black mould and grass can be seen growing through the carpet of the hallway staircase.

The upstairs bedrooms have been completely gutted and are now only home to pigeons who have created nests in the charred remains of the timber roof.

An outdoor swimming pool full of green, stagnant water can be found in the back garden of the property alongside a rotten ping pong table and a rusted barbeque.

Mr Smith said: ‘I remember hearing about the fire when it happened and thinking it would be a great place to go to and visit if I had the opportunity.

A safe for valuables which survived the fire is left abandoned in one of the many utility rooms of the three-storey property

‘I managed to get into the property through a side window which probably blew out as a result of the fire.

‘The master bedroom with an in-built jacuzzi was incredible. It had tiles in the shape of crowns and diamonds dotted around which were really unique.

‘The house had beautiful cast iron radiators and a huge island kitchen with marble countertops.

‘It was clear that no expense had been spared to make the house look amazing.

He added: ‘I managed to get into the property through a side window which probably blew out as a result of the fire’

Oritse Williams (pictured leaving Wolverhampton Crown Court last year) had let his £3million London home fall into disrepair. He was found not guilty of rape following a trial at Wolverhampton Crown Court

‘He was obviously a huge fan of fashion as there were dozens of wardrobes in the master bedroom spanning two floors.

‘Reaching the upper floors was pretty dangerous though.

‘Parts of the floor were missing in the bedrooms due to fire damage and a staircase leading to the attic area was just completely gone.

‘With the roof gone, water had seeped under the floorboards which had then expanded and bowed.

‘Grass and moss had started growing through the carpets on the stairs.’

Williams was charged with raping a fan in his hotel room in Wolverhampton in 2018 but was acquitted by a jury in the summer of 2019.

Pictured is the staircase in the house which has got grass growing through its carpet 

‘It was an incredible property but there’s no way that the house can be salvaged,’ Mr Smith said

Photos taken in 2018 at the rundown property showed a slimy green swimming pool, along with a fence in disrepair surrounding the property, and an overgrown garden with some discarded furniture

Despite a police investigation in relation to the fire being a potential arson attack, no one was ever arrested in connection to the fire and the investigation was closed.

It seems as though there will be no saving the South London home which has been abandoned for 18-months.

‘It was an incredible property but there’s no way that the house can be salvaged,’ Mr Smith said.

‘I imagine it will have to be bulldozed soon which is a huge shame for such an amazing property.

‘If it was arson, it seems like whoever did it knew what they were doing.’

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