Skin-crawling moment huge black spider with green venomous fangs emerges from hole in wall in Wiltshire – The Sun

A CREEPY video has captured the moment a fanged cannibal spider emerged from a hole in the wall in Wiltshire.

Chris Brown noticed the arachnid’s silk web surrounding the opening in the bricks outside his office this weekend.

When Chris started pestering the lair with a kebab stick the terrifying creature appeared.

It scurried out of its hole and wrapped its legs around the stick before revealing its fluorescent fangs.

Chris said: "When I was a kid I used to lure spiders out their nests with sticks, I thought I'd try it again and then I found it."

He said there were about four other spiders inside the hole.

The spider in the video, which has been identified as a tube web spider or Segestria Florentina, is the biggest tube-dwelling spider in Europe.


The spiders, known formally as the Segestria florentina, have green fangs and weave cylindrical tubes of cobwebs in brickwork.

  • This type of spider is known by a number of names including the Dracula spider and tube web spider but its latin name is 'Segestria Florentina'
  • The females can grow up to 22mm in length and the males grow up to 15mm
  • Most spiders have eight eyes but tube web spiders only have six, arranged in a 'H' formation
  • While their bodies are a very dark brown their jaws are a spectacular iridescent green
  • Typically the spiders are found in holes in walls although they can also live under stones
  • Their fangs are capable of piercing human skin but the bite is not usually dangerous

Source: British Arachnological Society

Although their bite is generally not dangerous these menacing spiders are almost guaranteed to cause shudders.

They are known for eating their own mothers and they prey on cockroaches, moths, bees and wasps.

Adults are generally found from June to November in southern England.

But this year the arachnids are invading British homes in record numbers due to the warm and wet summer, scientists claim.

Unprecedented temperatures and heavy rain in parts of the UK have created the perfect breeding ground for insects spiders like to eat.

As a result, Brits are finding more eight-legged creatures in their homes than ever before.

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