Katie Couric Reveals She Has Breast Cancer

Katie Couric, a TV icon, is battling breast cancer.

The 65-year-old former “Today” show anchor just revealed she was diagnosed in June. Cancer is no stranger to Katie … she lost her first husband, Jay Monahan, to colon cancer in 1998. Her sister died from pancreatic cancer and her mother-in-law died from ovarian cancer. She said, “My mood quickly shifted from disbelief to resignation. Given my family’s history of cancer, why would I be spared? My reaction went from, “Why me? to Why not me?”

Katie said, “Every two minutes, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States. On June 21st, I became one of them. As we approach #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth, I wanted to share my personal story with you all and encourage you to get screened and understand that you may fall into a category of women who needs more than a mammogram.”

She went on to describe her struggle … “I felt sick and the room started to spin. I was in the middle of an open office, so I walked to a corner and spoke quietly, my mouth unable to keep up with the questions swirling in my head.”

Katie underwent surgery back in July. She started radiation treatment early this month.

Best wishes to Katie.

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