Lawyers say Infowars host Alex Jones sent them child porn

Hartford, Connecticut: Lawyers for relatives of some victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting allege conspiracy theorist Alex Jones sent them electronic files containing child pornography as part of a defamation lawsuit against the Infowars host. Alex Jones, radio host and creator of the website InfoWars.Credit:Bloomberg Jones denied the allegations during his web show on Friday and accused one […]

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Think-tank faces criticism over report on second home ownership

Think-tank faces criticism over a report suggesting second home ownership is penalising the young and stopping them getting on housing ladder Think-tank report suggests second home ownership is penalising the young The report found the number of Britons with second homes soared to 5.5million  Left-wing think-tank the Resolution Foundation faced fierce criticism yesterday  The Resolution Foundation’s director is a former senior […]

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Russians keep heat on police after reporter’s case closed

About 1,500 people in Moscow have demonstrated against police abuse of power in the wake of a prominent Russian journalist’s arrest on drug-dealing charges that the government admitted days later had no basis. Organizers had official permission for Sunday’s protest rally, unlike one supporters of investigative reporter Ivan Golunov held last week. An arrests-monitoring group says police detained about 400 […]

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Britain’s softest judges exposed amid calls for courts to get tougher on criminals – The Sun

BRITAIN’S softest judges are today exposed amid calls for courts to get tougher on criminals. Sentences for hundreds of paedophiles, rapists, drug dealers and thugs were upped by the Appeal Court. More than three-quarters of the 761 punishments challenged by prosecutors from 2014 to 2018 were too soft, figures from the Attorney-General’s Office show. Judge Daniel Pearce-Higgins was most lenient […]

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More than 500,000 new companies have set up since 2010 — taking on more than four million workers – The Sun

BRITAIN’S booming businesses are driving a record jobs bonanza – taking on 8,500 extra workers EVERY WEEK. More than 500,000 new companies have set up since 2010, creating employment for more than four million people, according to official figures. Their roaring trade means there are 32.7 million people in work – more than ever before – with the vast majority […]

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